Asbestos Found in Public School

New South Wales public school students have potentially been exposed to asbestos. In recent redevelopment works on a heritage building on the school grounds, it and everything inside have tested positive for friable asbestos fibres. Books and all equipment which were once stored in the building have been destroyed, but concerns are growing for the…

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The Bernie Banton Foundation is closing in June, 2020

ANZ Enviro and our company Directors have been proud to play our part in supporting the Bernie Banton Foundation for the last 5 years, not only have we have we given financial support to this great and much needed non for profit organisation, our company directors were honoured to be asked to become board directors…

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In Whakatane Water Sources May be Contaminated with Asbestos

The residents of Whakatane, NZ, have experienced water pipe damage and asbestos has been located inside them. There is the increasing fear that their water ways may of been contaminated.

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Fly-Tipper in The UK Caught Dumping Asbestos Inappropriately

Another fly-tipper in the UK was fined five thousand pounds when the council caught them dumping asbestos inappropriately. Unfortunately this happens more frequently then it should! In-proper disposal of hazardous materials not only damages the environment, but it also poses as a risk to any residents in that area.

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A UK College Fined for Asbestos Failings.

The asbestos was not located until after the refurbishment had been completed, therefore, all employees and workers were exposed to the asbestos whilst works were being carried out. This was due to not conducting the appropriate tests and surveys on the building before getting subcontractors to work on it. It is critical that asbestos surveys…

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Asbestos and the Risk it Poses in Older Properties.

Asbestos is predominantly found in older buildings and it is becoming a frequent problem, worldwide. Living or working in an asbestos contaminated building has the potential to impact occupants health significantly. Due to this, it is critical that residents and visitors understand the risks that come with its contamination, and that they need to contact…

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Asbestos Warning When Handling Bushfire Impacted Areas.

An additional asbestos warning has been issued for those who have been impacted by the bushfires. It is very important that residents do not return to their damaged property or sift through any building rubble. They have been advised to be cautious at all times and seek professional asbestos guidance. For further information;

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WA’s Rate of Mesothelioma Continues to Rise.

Another sad story… The statistics are very interesting – WA’s rate of mesothelioma continues to rise, and remains nearly twice the national average. It’s unfortunate that exposure to asbestos continues to occur and we will be hearing about events like this for a long while. Raising awareness is key to combating exposure– being aware of…

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